Jorge Luis Borges

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

“Christmas Jars”  by Jason F. Wright

Review #162

This is the story of a newlywed Christmas tradition that evolves into a chain reaction begun by the kindness of a little girl and spanning 26 years.

Hope Jensen begins life by being left in a restaurant by her mother.  There is a note asking that she be given a loving home.  The lady who finds her does just that.  Shortly after Christmas, twenty five years later, Hope is devastated when her adoptive mother dies from ovarian cancer.   To compound her misery, Hope’s apartment is broken into and all of her valuables are stolen including $500 in emergency money.  The police haven’t been gone long when Hope discovers that someone has left her a gift…a glass mason jar labeled "Christmas Jar" and filled with money.

Using her Journalistic investigative skills, she learns that in recent years, several people have reported receiving these mysterious jars in times of need. Hope's search leads her to the Maxwell family and their generous Christmas tradition.

It will take you 3 to 4 hours to read this story.  It’s not a new idea and has some weaknesses in the story line, but Mr. Wright has presented a possible challenge for us and…some very interesting characters.  

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